Membership Libraries Group

At the Membership Libraries Group Annual Meeting, hosted by the Charleston Library Society in October 2018, Folio: The Seattle Athenaeum was admitted to the Membership Libraries Group as a full voting member.
Folio is by far the youngest member of the group, and the first membership library to be born in the US in the last hundred years. The special bond between our libraries extend to our members as well, and we encourage you to visit the other Athenaeums while traveling across the country.
Folio Patron, Benefactor, Bibliophile, and Collector's Circle Members, please contact Caroline Cumming about reciprocal privileges.
Athenaeum Music and Arts Library
General Society Library of New York City
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(2016, Seattle)
(1899, La Jolla)
(1897, Summerville)
(1890, Tryon)
(1871, St. Johnsbury)
(1855, San Francisco)
(1846, St. Louis)
(1835, Cincinnati)
(1826, New Haven)
(1820, New York)
(1820, Portland)
(1820, New York)
(1817, Portsmouth)
(1814, Philadelphia)
(1810, Salem)
(1807, Boston)
(1754, New York)
(1753, Providence)
(1748, Charleston)
(1747, Newport)